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Causes of Pimples And How to Cure Them Naturally

Pimples are a classic of adolescence, but they can also flourish on the skin of adults and the elderly. What are they due to? Where do they usually come from? How to cure them and maybe prevent them? Let’s take stock and dispel some false myths about pimple causes.

What are Pimples

Some bacteria, which are usually harmless, live on the skin, but they can penetrate a pore blocked by blackheads and cause a rash. So  pimples come because the blackhead (also called  blackhead ) becomes inflamed due to a bacterium. They are nothing more than the visible consequence of this infection.

Formed internally by bacteria, dead cells, sebum (substance produced by the body to protect the skin, hair, hair), it is nothing more than an inflammation in the skin of the pilo-sebaceous follicle: it manifests itself as a relief red and sometimes purulent and painful.

The onset can depend on various factors which can be summarized as follows:

  • hormonal changes
  • incorrect skin care
  • stress
  • unregulated nutrition

Causes of Pimples

When the hair pore is blocked, the sebum produced by the sebaceous gland cannot escape. External agents, together with the dead cells deposited, produce a small infection.

Acne is basically caused by inflammation of the hair follicle located at the root of our hair. At their base are the sebaceous glands, responsible for the production of sebum, a fatty substance that prevents the skin from drying out . At some moments in a person’s life, especially during puberty, this mechanism stops working properly.

Acne Mechanism

The appearance of a pimple, which occurs exactly where a follicle is located, is due to the combination of three events:

  • Excessive sebum secretion in the follicle
  • Follicle obstruction (for an unknown reason)
  • Bacterial development within the follicle

Excess oil on the skin can clog the  hair canal.  Here comes the classic black point. Later, inflammation can develop within the clogged follicle due to a bacterium, propionibacterium acnes. And this is exactly what causes of pimple. Which can appear in the form of a papule, pustule or lump.

At the base of the formation of pimples and acne in general, as we have seen, there is a hyper-production of sebum . But this situation has several causes:

  • genetics
  • hormonal
  • psychological
  • bacterial
  • from wrong power supply

The Role of Genetics

Many studies have shown that acne often develops in patients of both sexes in the same family. Although a genetic predisposition is suspected , no supporting scientific evidence has been provided so far.


During puberty or in other situations of hormonal stimulation , both natural (pregnancy, menopause, stress) and artificial (contraceptive pill, ovarian stimulation), the production of male sex hormones (androgens) causes an i perproduction by the sebaceous glands .

The excess sebum flows to the surface of the skin, which becomes greasier, and leads to a possible obstruction of the follicle and therefore increases the possibility of inflammation and consequently the acne breakout.

Stress, a Trigger for Acne

Among the many ailments of which stress is accused is the appearance of acne. Stress is known to affect hormone levels.

A situation of intense anxiety and emotional disturbances could therefore have an influence on the development of this skin inflammation.

This theory is based on the presence of numerous nerve cells near the sebaceous gland. Cells that can produce a substance called substance P , which, when released under stress, can stimulate sebum production .

Bacteria and Nutrition

The presence of the bacterium propionibacterium acnes on the skin is directly linked to the development of inflammation and therefore to the onset of the pimple. But it is also a hereditary factor, not everyone has this beating on their skin.

Acne and Immunity

Since sebaceous gland receptors can stimulate sebum secretion, research has focused on developing molecules that block these receptors. These molecules could  prevent the interaction between bacteria and receptors.

Pimples: where do they come from

Pimples typically appear on the face, neck, chest, back, and even the scalp. In short, where sebum exists and there are hair glands.

According to Chinese medicine, each part of the face corresponds to an organ and consequently when a pimple comes, its position is not random.

Pimples on the Chin

Pimples can appear on the chin , because it is an area rich in sebaceous glands . Also for Chinese medicine, the boils that appear on the chin, highlight hormonal imbalances or inflammation of the genital system.

Pimple on chin

Pimples on the Neck

The neck is a very delicate area that tends to redden easily. Causes of Pimples on the neck are also more common among men due to the beard.

When they appear on the neck, it is necessary to resort to remedies that favor the reduction of inflammation. They can be caused by various factors including hormonal imbalances, stress and poor nutrition, but shaving also promotes blackhead infection.

Pimple on neck

Pimples on the Forehead

Again, according to Chinese medicine, pimples on the forehead appear to be related to the digestive system. To prevent flowering, you need to drink a lot of water and follow a diet low in fat, sugar and alcohol.

pimple on forhead

Pimples Under the Skin

Pimples under the  skin manifest themselves with the classic subcutaneous swelling, often followed by redness and mild pain in the area where it appears. The pus remains incorporated within the skin and does not find an outlet. Be careful that the pimple does not tend to become a cyst.

It is not recommended to try to squeeze it, it would lead to further infection and scar formation.

Pimples on the Face

Bacteria that come into contact with the skin of the face can lead to the appearance of pimples. They may be caused by poor  facial cleansing or by continual contact with something unclean (e.g. fingers).

In particular, according to Chinese medicine:

  • if pimples always affect the left cheek, it may be related to the liver.
  • if they always appear to the right, the causes could be smoking, asthma, allergies or irritation.
Pimple on face

Pimples on the Nose

The nose is one of the areas where they most often appear, both inside and outside the nostrils.

  • if the problem occurs internally, it can often be related to the habit of clipping nose hair.
  • if, on the other hand, the problem occurs externally, it can have different causes such as unregulated and incorrect nutrition, constipation, gastrointestinal imbalances, vitamin B deficiency, high blood pressure or cholesterol, poor circulation.

Pimples what to do

Let’s clear the field of doubts, most of the time it is a problem that is solved with age or with creams. Only rarely can it be so severe that specific care and aesthetic treatments are required, such as for rosacea, which leaves scars on the face.

Then there are really many products on the market, but having one is not enough to fight them. Cleaning is very important, which must be carried out with warm water and a special product for gentle cleansing . A light toner should then be used to close the pores and a moisturizer to nourish the skin.

There are some cases of inflamed, pus-filled pimples that can hardly be fought with cleansers and tonics. The solution in this case is only one: contact the dermatologist. In fact, sometimes in addition to a topical treatment to be applied directly on the part, there is a need to add an antibiotic treatment.

Natural Remedies for Pimples

For pimples (not acne) some natural remedies may be enough to help reduce the causes of pimples. Let’s see the most common.

Lemon : it should not be squeezed directly on the pimple, but should be previously filtered and mixed with a little sugar in order to create a sort of batter. This sticky paste is placed over the boil and left to act for a few minutes, but without exaggerating.

Garlic : it is a natural antiseptic and is very easy to use to disinfect the skin in case of pimples. Just take a clove without a peel and rub it carefully on the pimple.

Aloe  vera : has excellent anti-inflammatory properties.

Mother tincture of burdock : Brush the boil twice a day to help it dry out and take advantage of the antiseptic power of the burdock.

Green tea : it should be used cold and thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties it helps to soothe the breakouts and decrease the size of a pimple.

Pimples what not to do

There are rules not to forget in order not to worsen the inflammation of the pimple. Here are the most classic:

  • Do not squeeze the pimples : it could create an inflammation (called skin picking acne) that worsens and does not improve the situation in any case.
  • Do not expose the skin to UV lamps : they give the skin a feeling of drying, but actually increase the formation of blackheads because they stimulate the production of sebum.
  • Do not interrupt the therapies : if the dermatologist has started an antibiotic or other treatment, do not interrupt. Know that it requires perseverance and a long time, even up to eight months.

Pimples how to Cure them

Before starting a therapeutic path based on the administration of drugs for the causes if pimples, some simple hygiene-behavioral rules are recommended, useful both as prevention and to remove inflammation.

  • clean the skin well with mild detergents and without overdoing it because washing too much makes the skin dry and makes it more sensitive
  • always remove make-up after make-up, especially in the evening before going to sleep
  • do not rub, scratch or squeeze pimples , especially with dirty hands
  • do not use oily creams on the face, especially in the presence of acne and oily skin
  • check your diet

For simple pimples or mild acne these tips may be sufficient, if the problem persists and does not improve, you must rely on the dermatologist for an ad hoc treatment .

Pimples how to Dry them

To dry the pimples and decrease the sebum it is recommended to use some natural products to prevent  the causes of the pimples such as

  • baking soda which mixed with water absorbs the sebum.
  • lemon that disinfects and dries the pus.

Patches for Pimples

Patches are one of the most effective and least invasive remedies to combat boils that occasionally arise on the skin.

In fact, they act directly on the pimple accelerating the healing process: on their surface are distributed various active, antibacterial and purifying ingredients capable of absorbing impurities and drying the pimple, accelerating its healing.

What antibiotic for pimples to use

An antibiotic is not always recommended. It is necessary to contact the dermatologist who will study the suitable solution for each skin type.

Sometimes, especially when it comes to teenagers and acne is due to hormonal imbalances, the birth control pill can be the solution.

The antibiotic cannot be taken without medical supervision. Its frequent and prolonged use can in fact produce resistance of the bacteria themselves. Remember that drugs should always be used with cautio to reduce the causes of pimples

How to Cover Pimples

To camouflage pimples, which happen to always come when we have a special day, you have to follow some simple steps helps you better in the causes of pimples:

  • moisturize the skin well with a non-greasy cream or gel
  • apply the primer
  • use a  green concealer that optically hides the redness of acne
  • apply a  compact powder  that serves to fix the concealer
  • dab the foundation
  • finally use the concealer  according to your  skin color

Pimples and Nutrition

There are conflicting currents regarding the link between nutrition and acne : in fact, many scientific researches tend to dispel this relationship.

Other research has instead shown that a diet rich in foods with a high glycemic index can favor the appearance of acne.

In general, the foods most accused of increasing sebaceous production are refined products,  foods with a high glycemic index and dairy products.

Limiting them in your diet can become an excellent cure for acne.

Pimples caused by refined grains and sugars

Sugars and refined grain products are the first to be involved in aggravating acne. These are foods with a high glycemic index, so digested quickly, but just as quickly they raise blood sugar levels.

To regulate it, the pancreas releases insulin. A high level of insulin in the body increases the level of IGF-1 (insulin growth factor), a hormone produced by the liver, which stimulates the production of sebum by the sebaceous glands just under the skin.

Since the excess sebum obstructs the hair follicle, where the bacteria are found, these proliferate under the effect of the lack of oxygen and acne inflammation occurs.

Pasta, bread, rice, baked goods, but also chocolate, soft drinks and alcohol are all foods rich in refined sugars. We must not abuse it.

Pimples Caused by Dairy Products

A high consumption of dairy products can cause or aggravate acne, in other words, more than two glasses of milk a day together with other dairy products.

Cow ‘s milk contains progesterone derivatives , which are given to cows to produce more. Once ingested, these derivatives are transformed into androgen hormones by our body, including testosterone. This hormone is responsible for the increase in sebaceous production by the sebaceous glands. And excess sebum is one of the causes of pimples.

To prevent the occurrence of acne or reduce its manifestations, it is better:

  • eliminate milk and milk-based creams (bechamel, custard, ice cream, cream)
  • eliminate or limit the consumption of cheeses , hard ones such as parmesan or parmesan but also softer ones such as robiola, crescenza, mascarpone, mozzarella, ricotta, fontina.

Why Do Pimples Come ?

There is no pimple without a blackhead: the pimple is formed where there is a blackhead or blackhead that becomes inflamed.

Allergy Pimples

Sometimes pimples on the face can be caused by an allergy , which has several causes:

  • Makeup brushes are indeed a receptacle for bacteria and, if not washed, they transfer everything to the face
  • some soaps, cleansing products and allergenic creams
  • medicines that may have among the contraindications the onset of pimples
  • unclean sheets , pillowcases and towels
  •  allergenic cosmetic products
Allergy pimple

Stress Pimples

Emotional stress has been associated with acne for a long time, and several research suggests that it has an impact on acne severity.

Anxiety and stress can damage the metabolism, and in addition to tiredness and nervousness, among the side effects, even the appearance of pimples.

Sweat Pimples

Sweat pimples occur due to the blockage of the pores of the skin, which therefore do not allow the sweat to evaporate . Among the causes of sweat pimples:

  • excessive sweating
  • use synthetic clothing
  • greasy lotions
  • side effects of some medications
  • excess body fat

Pimples for the Sun

It is not true that the sun is good for acne : dermatologists have declared that the sun stresses the skin a lot and is an aggravating circumstance for those with excess sebum, because it stimulates its production and thickens the skin.

In fact, acne-prone skin tends to get relief from a short exposure to the sun. And therefore, after an immediate improvement, the skin begins to thicken and the acne gets worse.

Also be aware that some acne medications can sensitize the skin to the sun and increase the risk of severe sunburn. This is the case with  cyclins,  benzoyl peroxide and isotretinoid. If you have undergone this type of treatment or if it is in progress, it is essential to protect your skin with a full screen or a cream with a very high protection index  such as SPF 50. Choose a non-comedogenic cream.

In the summer it is best to undergo acne treatment in the evening. Also remember to clean your skin thoroughly in the morning. Never stop the treatment, even during the summer.

Also, repeated unprotected sun exposure can cause acne scars to turn brown.

Pimples for Foundation

Excessive make-up, which remains on the skin for long hours, can promote the onset of breakouts. especially if it does not cleanse properly. And even the foundation can cause acne, because it clogs the pores and promotes their obstruction, due to its oily base.

Cosmetic companies also offer high-coverage , oil-free foundations to treat excess sebum during make-up. The main feature is that they are not comedogenic, that is, they are devoid of substances that could favor the birth of new comedones.

Pimples for Hormones

Hormones are a major causes of pimples – for both adults and teenagers and especially women.

They are in fact  responsible for the development of our sebaceous glands and it is only when they mature, during puberty, that acne appears. They therefore stimulate the activity of the sebaceous glands which makes the skin ‘shiny’ and oily.

Pimples Caused by the Female Cycle

The female menstrual cycle is regulated by hormones: at the beginning of each woman’s cycle there is an increase in estrogen and progesterone.

For many women it is common to see rashes appear on the face 7 to 10 days before the period , the so-called premenstrual phase . In fact, the testosterone level increases and causes the secretion of more sebum. If the sebum increases, there is a better chance of having pimples.

Pimples and Birth Control Pill

Some pills are scientifically recognized as having the ability to fight the causes of pimples: the contraceptive pill from one wall lowers the level of hormones that produce sebum and, on the other, raises that of estrogen.

However, this is the case with contraceptives that contain a double dose of hormones (estrogen and progesterone). If they contain only progesterone they could even increase the appearance.

Pimples for Polycystic Ovary

Polycystic ovary syndrome is one of the most common disorders in women of childbearing age. It often begins in adolescence through the irregularity of the cycle and manifests itself with metabolic dysfunctions.

Acne is one of the typical manifestations of polycystic ovary syndrome and is due to the increased production of sebum linked to the excessive action of male hormones.

Pimples in Menopause

Menopause is a time of important biological changes for the woman, the body changes due to hormonal changes in the organism.

The sharp decline in estrogen production, together with the effects of skin aging and photoaging can causes of pimple consequences on the appearance and health of the skin making it more sensitive and acne breakouts can also appear.

Pimples in Pregnancy

One of the most common disorders in adolescence is acne: there are many very young people – both in boys and girls – who suffer from this problem, due to the hormonal flow to which they are subject.

The causes of pimple is reached in girls around 16-17 years, while in boys around 18-19 years. It mainly occurs on the face and shoulders with blackheads, pimples and cysts.

It is important to keep the skin under control and cleanse it with astringent products, eat properly, lots of fruit, vegetables and yogurt, in order to help regular intestinal transit and eliminate toxins present in the body.

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